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How To Support A Love One With Chronic Pain

Don't judge a book by it's cover

The stranger next to you might look healthy, but you never know if they have some type of disability. For example, if you see a pedestrian who is crossing slowly be patient, let them take their time. This person might be going through something that is not visible.

Let go when someone doesn't want to share everything about their health

There are many reasons why people sometimes don't want to share about their health. Yes this even goes to people that you consider your besties, relative or just a love one. It's hard enough with people going through some type of chronic illness to face this challenge every day. Sometimes we don't want to be reminded what we are going through. There are times that it might just be that it's something too intimate to share. And there are times, well, that it's just none of your business. If we want to talk about it believe me, we'll ring you.

Don't talk like a doctor when you're not

Don't let us know what you think we have been doing wrong... for example don't tell us that it is the food that we eat that is killing us. Unless you are a medical psychic, maybe just maybe, we'll listen.

Don't try to push your ideas of the right solution or roots of the problem to us

Listening can be just what we need without any judgements

Accept where we are ...

Support our plans especially if you know it makes us smile

Try not to lose it!

It's so hard for us to deal with whatever is that we are going through with our bodies. If you lose it and become angry that we can't find a solution or we are not trying hard enough, believe me your desperation would just hurt us.

Please be kind to everyone, you never know what the other person is going through. From a person going through chronic pain.

What has been helping me strive?

The power of prayer, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, EFT tapping, my passion for life

Pain management can look different for those going through chronic pain and that's alright. No judgement.

Love you Unicorns !


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